Welcome back to Six Degrees of Separation, my monthly bit of bookish fun, where Kate from booksaremyfavouriteandbest gives us a starting book and we link it to six other titles in any way our mind decides to make connections. This month, we’re actually beginning with a wild card, meaning we begin where we ended in […]
Welcome back to 6 Degrees of Separation, where we all start with the same book title and link it to six others in any random way our mind chooses to create connections. It’s fun and it’s free, so why don’t you join in? This month, we’re starting with The Turn of the Screw by Henry […]
Welcome to this month’s Six Degrees of Separation. For anyone interested in history, the term ‘six degrees of separation’ was originally inspired by Hungarian writer and poet Frigyes Karinthy, who coined the phrase in his 1929 short story ‘Chains‘. It’s the idea that everyone in the world is separated from everyone else by just six connections. […]
Welcome back to Six Degrees of Separation, where Kate from booksaremyfavouriteandbest provides the name of a book, and we link it to six others in whichever stream-of-consciousness way our brain happens to work. It’s easy and it’s fun, so join in! This month, we’re starting with Normal People by Sally Rooney. I read Normal People […]
Welcome back to the bookish version of Six Degrees of Separation. Start with the book suggested by Kate over at booksaremyfavouriteandbest, and see where you end up by linking it to six other titles. It’s easy and it’s fun, and no two chains are the same. This month’s starting point is Cormac McCarthy’s post-apocalyptic tale, The […]
Welcome back to Six Degrees of Separation. Start at the same place as other readers, add six books that link in any way you want, and see where you end up. I always attempt to include books I’ve either read, or are high on my to-read pile, but you can make up your own rules […]