Do you have favourite podcasts you subscribe to and listen to regularly, or do you stumble across individual episodes somewhat by random. I often discover new podcasts when a fellow writer posts a link to a conversation about their new book and/or writing process or bookish friends share an interview with the author of a […]
Welcome back to Six Degrees of Separation, where every reader starts with the same title and links to six other books, depending on whatever random ways our brains make connections. This month’s starting book is True Story of the Kelly Gang by Australian author Peter Carey. On my mum’s side of the family is the […]
I haven’t always been a reader of historical fiction. When I was much younger, I preferred contemporary fiction, and I can’t pinpoint when that started to change. Perhaps when I started researching the Second World War for my book about war widows. Or maybe a few years before that when I finally started taking an […]
Aiden and Ashleigh live a privileged existence in a futuristic Sydney that is radically different to the city as it exists today. The thirteen-year-old twins are largely protected from the ravages of climate change thanks to advances in technology and AI, even as socio-economic divisions widen, and medical care is available only to those who […]
Some people spend their spare cash on fashion – a little retail therapy when life’s not travelling according to plan. Others can’t resist purchasing one more bicycle (yes, I’m looking at you, Dear Husband). Me? I find it difficult to resist a good book. There’s always another newly released title to add to my ever […]