Last year, I was a first-time guest of the Perth Writers Festival, with the excitement of a newly published book. This year I attended with doubts and questions, focused more on my shortcomings than on any progress I’ve made with my current work-in-progress. At its core is the story of one man’s life, a complex […]
Here I sit, tucked away in my cabin in the hills. I’m looking out through the trees to the cityscape, listening to the birdsong, and ruminating over the weekend that was the 2016 Perth Writers Festival. I’ve attended the Perth Writers Festival for a number of years, but this was my first as a published […]
Welcome to the March edition of Six Degrees of Separation, a meme in which authors Annabel Smith and Emma Chapman choose a book, and we link it to six others in any way that comes to mind. This month, that book is Wild by Cheryl Strayed. As I’ve been reflecting on the 2015 Perth Writers Festival, and […]