Welcome back Six Degrees of Separation, the fun way to recommend books by starting with a title suggested by Kate from booksaremyfavouriteandbest, and then linking it to six others in any way your brain makes connections. This week, Kate has challenged us to start with a travel guide. One I have on my shelf is […]
Welcome back to Six Degrees of Separation, in which book lovers everywhere are invited to start with the book nominated by Kate from booksaremyfavouriteandbest and connect it to six others in whatever way your mind makes random connections. This month, we’re beginning with Hydra by Adriane Howell, which is on the 2023 Stella Prize shortlist. […]
Welcome back to Six Degrees of Separation, where readers all start with the same book and link it to six other titles in any random way our minds decide to make connections. This month’s starting book is Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times by Katherine May. I haven’t read Wintering, but […]
It’s been several months since I’ve participated in the bookish version of Six Degrees of Separation: begin with the same title as other readers and link it to six others in whatever random way the brain decides to make connections. This month, the starting book is The End of the Affair by Graham Greene. I […]
Welcome back to Six Degrees of Separation, where we all start with the same book title and link it to six others in any random way our mind chooses to create connections. It’s fun and it’s free, so join in! This month the starting book is Postcards from the Edge by Carrie Fisher. Postcards from […]
Welcome back to 6 Degrees of Separation, which is usually on the first Saturday of the month—except when I completely forget about it! And this was one month I didn’t want to skip because the starting book is one that meant a great deal to me when I was a young teenager: Are You there […]