Welcome back to Six Degrees of Separation. In case you’d like to play along, participants start with the same book, as nominated by Kate from booksaremyfavouriteandbest. Link it to six other titles in any random way your brain decides to make connections. I try to link it to books I’ve either read and would recommend, […]
Welcome to this month’s Six Degrees of Separation, a literary meme created by Annabel Smith and Emma Chapman in which we link a book to six others in any way that comes to mind. After months of beginning Six Degrees with books I’ve not yet read, April starts with one I have: The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion. […]
Recently a friend posted a Facebook challenge that requires nominees to list 10 books that have stayed with them in some way. I normally avoid the challenges doing the rounds of social media. They somehow remind me of the chain letters I used to receive during my childhood. And the introvert in me particularly resists those requiring video evidence. But […]
Earlier this year, I heard Australian author Claire Zorn speak about her YA novel The Sky so Heavy at the Perth Writers Festival. I bought a signed copy for my teenage son, only to discover he had already borrowed it from the library (‘But I’ll read it again. It’s good.’) – and wound up reading it […]