Welcome back to 6 Degrees of Separation, where we all start with the same book and link it to six other titles in whatever curious way our mind chooses to make connections. This month’s starting book, thanks as always to Kate from booksaremyfavouriteandbest, is What Was She Thinking [Notes on a Scandal] by Zoe Heller. […]
I have an eclectic reading taste, as you’ll discover if you check out the list of books I hope to read this year. Some have won awards, others are by favourite authors, and still more have caught my eye simply because they sound like a great weekend read. This year, I’m not committing to any […]
Welcome back to Six Degrees of Separation, where Kate from booksaremyfavouriteandbest gives us the title of a book, and we link it to six others in any random way our mind wanders. It’s easy and fun, so please join in! Thanks to the suggestion of Brona, a regular contributor to Six Degrees, this month’s starting […]
Welcome back to Six Degrees of Separation, the bookish meme where Kate from booksaremyfavouriteandbest nominates the title of a book, and we link it to six others in whatever random ways they connect. Each person’s chain will look different, and that’s half the fun – so join in and see where your links lead. This month’s […]