After what has been a long dry summer in my part of the world, and a seemingly short warm autumn, we have been inundated with a deluge of rain as if Winter wanted us to sit up and take notice of her arrival. It has certainly made me think about the changing seasons, both physically […]
It’s been pretty wet and cold where I live – and so dark in the mornings. I’m usually a morning person, with a walk around a nearby lake almost every day, even when my walking partner cancels on me at the last minute. But even I haven’t been forcing myself out of bed the last […]
Welcome back to Six Degrees of Separation, where readers all start with the same book and link it to six other titles in any random way our minds decide to make connections. This month’s starting book is Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times by Katherine May. I haven’t read Wintering, but […]