NB. Please note that the competitions in this post have all closed. For a list of current competitions, please visit my Writing Competitions for Young Writers page, which I update regularly. If you’re a young writer in Australia, and have been wondering about opportunities to submit your work, then look no further. This post contains […]
NB: Please note that these competitions were for the first half of 2018. For a list of competitions for the second half of 2018 go to Writing Competitions for Young Writers in Australia: July to December 2018. If you’re a young writer, and have been putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) for a […]
[NB: These are writing competitions from February to June 2017. Head to 19 Writing Competitions for Young Writers: July to December 2017 for the most recent list of opportunities.] During the summer school holidays, I was once again privileged to run an all-day workshop for young writers at the Katharine Susannah Prichard Writers’ Centre. Participants […]