What do you do when you aren’t in the mood to create, and feel as if you have no ideas? In a previous post, I wrote about some of the ways I keep writing when I don’t feel like showing up to the page. Those strategies are mostly about getting started, and usually they work […]
‘I have been having trouble with my motivation to write. I just feel as though I have no ideas and I haven’t felt like writing recently … What do you do when you aren’t in the mood to write and feel like you have no ideas?’ Can you relate? I can. When I received this […]
Music is a powerful force, evoking strong emotions and reviving half-forgotten memories. I recall how, as teenagers, a friend and I walked along a road in our town, singing ‘Manic Monday’ by the Bangles. And I remember sitting on the edge of the town pool, feet dangling in the water, as the cast of the school musical […]
I’ve just finished a series of workshops with a wonderful group of family historians. We met fortnightly over the space of a term, and I heard some truly extraordinary stories, not only because of the particular people and events included, but also the way in which those stories have been told. This post is partly […]
Writing competitions can be great, especially if your head is full of ideas and you’re already scribbling them down any chance you’ve got. But what about when the creative juices aren’t flowing, or you’re only writing a story because your teacher told you to? Although ideas can arise anywhere, from all sorts of sources, having […]
National Bookshop Day aims to celebrate all that’s great about bookshops. I’m a big fan of local, independent bookshops and have been for a long time. If at all possible, I’ll order my books through one of these rather than a chain store or on-line, for reasons I’ve explained in an earlier post. I’m reminded of a story […]