Welcome back to the bookish version of Six Degrees of Separation, where Kate from booksaremyfavouriteandbest provides us with the title of a book, and we all link that to six other titles, depending on the weird and wonderful connections our brains decide to make. This month, the starting book is Trust by Hernan Diaz; it […]
Welcome back to Six Degrees of Separation, where Kate from booksaremyfavouriteandbest provides the name of a book; we all connect it to six other titles and see where we all end up. The first book for 2023 is great choice for a holiday read, and aptly named Beach Read by Emily Henry. The premise is […]
Welcome back to Six Degrees of Separation, where every reader starts with the same title and links to six other books, depending on whatever random ways our brains make connections. This month’s starting book is True Story of the Kelly Gang by Australian author Peter Carey. On my mum’s side of the family is the […]
It’s been several months since I’ve participated in the bookish version of Six Degrees of Separation: begin with the same title as other readers and link it to six others in whatever random way the brain decides to make connections. This month, the starting book is The End of the Affair by Graham Greene. I […]
Welcome back to Six Degrees of Separation, where we all start with the same book title and link it to six others in any random way our mind chooses to create connections. It’s fun and it’s free, so join in! This month the starting book is Postcards from the Edge by Carrie Fisher. Postcards from […]
Aiden and Ashleigh live a privileged existence in a futuristic Sydney that is radically different to the city as it exists today. The thirteen-year-old twins are largely protected from the ravages of climate change thanks to advances in technology and AI, even as socio-economic divisions widen, and medical care is available only to those who […]