19 Writing Competitions for Young Writers in Australia: July to December 2017

[NB: This post is for competitions that were open between July and December 2017. For the most updated competitions for young writers, head to Writing Competitions for Young Writers in Australia: February to July 2018.
Do you have a passion for writing? Perhaps you’ve just begun to explore the world of your imagination and need encouragement to develop some of those ideas. Or maybe you’ve been scribbling down stories and poems for ages, but aren’t sure what to do with them all now.

While there is a lot more to the writing and editing process than smashing out a draft and sending it straight to a competition or publisher, there are plenty of opportunities out there if you know where to look. To that end, I’ve been searching out and collating competitions for young writers in Australia between July and December 2017. They’re listed in order of closing date, except the first one which will close once 500 entries have been received.
I hope you’ll check some of them out further and take the next step in sending your writing out into the world.
NB: I have recently reversed the order of the competitions, so that those with a closing date already reached are at the bottom of the list. This means that the ones that are still open for submissions are in the first part of the post. I have also discovered several more competitions, so there are actually 24 in total, despite the title of the post.
1. The 2017 National Child Writes Competition
The Brief: Write a story suitable for a children’s picture book, no longer than 800 words OR submit three full colour A4 sample illustrations, showcasing at least three different characters and settings.
Open to: all Australian primary-school aged child writers and illustrators.
Cost: $10 (with money going toward the Child Writes Fund).
Prizes: The winning writer and the winning illustrator will be mentored to publication of a collaborative children’s picture book, worth over $1000 each.
Closing date: as soon as 500 entries have been submitted. For updates about this, follow the Child Writes Facebook page.
More info: Head to the Child Writes website for further details as well as an online entry form.
2. The 2018 Somerset National Poetry Prize
The Brief: Write a poem of no more than 50 lines, excluding the title, on any subject.
Open to: All current secondary students attending school in Australia. Students receiving home schooling are also eligible to enter.
Cost: $15.00 per poem.
Prizes: All short-listed and winning poems will be published on the Festival website.
Closing date: 8 December 2017.
More info: Further information, including the conditions of entry and access to the online entry form can be found on the Somerset College website.
3. The 2018 Somerset National Novella Writing Competition
The Brief: Submit a novella of between 8,000 and 20,000 words.
Open to: All current secondary students attending school in Australia. Students receiving home schooling are also eligible to enter.
Cost: $20.00.
Prizes: State winners will have the opportunity to attend the Somerset Celebration of Literature festival, where the National winner will be announced. In addition to a monetary prize, the winner will receive a full editorial report courtesy of Penguin Random House.
Closing date: 1 December 2017.
More info: Further information, including the conditions of entry and access to the online entry form can be found on the Somerset College website.
4. Young Writers Creative Writing Competition 2017
The Brief: Write a story with a limit of 400 words or less.
Open to: young writers in Cottesloe, Peppermint Grove and Mosman Park, and students in local schools.
Cost: Free.
Prizes: Unspecified.
Closing date: Sunday 22 October 2017.
More info: Conditions of entry can be found via the Library Grove website.
5. Redgum Young Writers Award
The Brief: Create a children’s picture book of up to 250 words or a children’s short story of between 850 and 1000 words.
Open to: School children aged between 9 and 13 years of age; this includes students who are homeschooled.
Categories: The Children’s Picture Book category involves writing a short, structured story and can be fiction or non-fiction. The Children’s Short Story category requires students to create a work of short fiction. No illustrations are required for either category.
Cost: Free.
Prizes: There will be five authors shortlisted in each category. The winner of each category will receive a $250 Redgum Book Club Voucher; the winning story will be proofread, edited, illustrated and published by Redgum. The other four shortlisted entries in each category will receive a $150 Redgum Book Club voucher and a certificate.
Closing Date: Sunday 10 December 2017.
More info: entry criteria and entry form can be found on the Young Writers Award website.
6. GWC Children’s Corner Short Story Competition 2017
(NB: Submissions for this competition have closed for 2017)
The Brief: Write up to 500 words (prose) or 20 lines (poetry) on the theme of ‘colour’. Poetry, prose, fiction, memoirs and non-fiction are all acceptable. The word limit is 500 words for prose or 20 lines for poetry.
Open to: anyone aged between 10 and 17.
Categories: 10 and under; 11-17 at closing date.
Cost: free.
Prizes: In each age group, first prize is a book voucher and second prize is a stationary pack. Commended certificates may also be awarded and there is an opportunity to be published in November 2017 issue of Showcase Magazine.
Closing Date: 30 September 2017.
More Info: Head to the Gosnells Writers Circle website, where you will also find a downloadable entry form.
7. The Wonderful Whale Haiku Competition
(NB: Submissions for this competition have closed for 2017)
The Brief: Write a traditional haiku about whales: 3 lines, with 17 syllables or beats in total, with 5 beats in the first line, 7 beats in the second line, and 5 beats in the final line.
(Image by Georg Wolf at Unsplash)
Open to: any child of primary age anywhere in the world.
Categories: Grades 1 to 3; grades 4 to 6.
Prizes: Writers of the ten best poems in each category will be published on author Sarah Brennan’s Funny and Fabulous blog. The best entry in each category will also win a free signed copy of her book Storm Whale, sent to their school for awarding in assembly.
Closing Date: 30 September 2017.
More info: what’s required and how to enter can be found on Sarah Brennan’s clever competition page.
8. KSP Poetry Competition
(NB: Submissions for this competition have closed for 2017)
The Brief: Write a poem up to 50 lines on an open theme.
Open to: Adult section open to Australian residents and citizens. Youth section open to Western Australian residents only.
Categories: youth (12-20 years) and adult, as well as an Annette Cameron Encouragement Award for WA-born or current WA residents over the age of 18 who have never published a full collection of poetry either in print or online.
Cost: Youth (10 to 18 years) – free; adults and Annette Cameron categories – 1 poem $10; 2 poems $15; 3 poems $20.
Prizes: First place certificates with $300 prize for open and $100 for youth; Second place certificates with $150 prize for open and $50 for youth; up to five commended certificates for both open and youth; Mundaring National Young Writers encouragement award for under 14s with $25 prize. All winning entries offered publication in Swan Magazine and select entrants invited to read their story at KSP’s End of Year Awards Ceremony.
Closing date: Friday 29 September 2017.
More info: go to the KSP Writers’ Centre Competitions Page for entry requirements and to download an entry form.
9. 2017 Patrick White Writing Competition
(NB: Submissions for this competition have closed for 2017)
The Brief: Create a poem, short story or play of up to 1500 words. Each entry must adhere to one of the following themes – The wild, Then I heard the loudest noise…, and What now?
Open to: all Aboriginal students in NSW schools.
- K-12 individual short story
- K-12 individual play
- K-12 individual poem
- K-Yr 1 group short story
- K-Yr 1 group play
- K-Yr 1 group poem
- Yr 2-3 group short story
- Yr 2-3 group play
- Yr 2-3 group poem
Prizes: One major prize, and encouragement awards for poetry; one major prize and encouragement awards for short story or play in each age group.
Closing Date: 23 September 2017.
More info: Head to the Aboriginal Educational Council (NSW) website, where you’ll find more info about the Patrick White Award and an entry form.
10. Writing for Life 2017
(NB: Submissions for this competition have closed for 2017)
The Brief: Step into the minds of someone on the transplant waiting list, someone whose loved one has saved many lives through organ or tissue donation. In 300 words or less, imagine how you would feel and what you could tell the world about your experience.
Open to: Year 7-12 students in Western Australia.
Cost: free.
Prizes: unspecified.
Closing Date: 22 September 2017.
More Info: Links to the entry form, terms and conditions and a how-to guide can be found on the Donate Life website.
11. 2017 Heywire Competition
(NB: Submissions for this competition have closed for 2017)
The Brief: Tell a story (in any media: text, video, photography or audio)about an aspect of your life in Australia outside the major cities. This can be 400 words written text, 2-4 minutes on video, 10 photographic images OR 2-4 minutes of audio.
Open to: Australian residents aged between 16 and 22 who live outside Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide or Perth.
Cost: Free.
Prizes: Each Prize Winner will receive the opportunity for their story to be produced for ABC Radio or for the Heywire website; and an all-expenses paid trip to the Heywire Regional Youth Summit in Canberra in February 2018, including return economy airfares from the Prize Winner’s nearest capital city to Canberra, five night’s accommodation in Canberra, airport transfer costs and catering.
Closing date: 16 September 2017.
More info: Head to the Heywire website, where you will find details about the competition’s terms and conditions, as well as comments by previous winners and tips for a great entry.
12. KSP Memoir Competition
(NB: Submissions for this competition have closed for 2017)
The Brief: In the youth category of this competition, write on the theme ‘A Day in …’ (enter your home-town or WA holiday location) up to 500 words. The adult category can be to a maximum of 1000 words on an open theme.
Open to: Adult section open to Australian residents and citizens. Youth section open to Western Australian residents only.
Categories: youth (10-18 years) and adult.
Cost: Youth (10 to 18 years) – free; adults – 1 story $10; 2 stories $15; 3 stories $20.
Prizes: First place certificates with $300 prize for open and $100 for youth; Second place certificates with $150 prize for open and $50 for youth; up to five commended certificates for both open and youth; Mundaring National Young Writers encouragement award for under 14s with $25 prize. All winning entries offered publication in Swan Magazine and select entrants invited to read their story at KSP’s End of Year Awards Ceremony.
Closing date: Friday 15 September 2017.
More info: go to the KSP Writers’ Centre Competitions Page for entry requirements and to download an entry form.
13. The Scribe Nonfiction Prize
(NB: Submissions for this competition have closed for 2017)
The Brief: Submit a piece of writing between 5,000 and 10,000 words, in any nonfiction genre including memoir, journalism, essay, biography and creative nonfiction.
Open to: Residents of Australia who are 30 years old or under.
Prizes: The winner receives $3,000, an, an editorial mentorship to develop their work and a selection of new-release Scribe books. Other short-listed writers will receive an invitation to a masterclass with some of Australia’s best nonfiction writers at Scribe Publications on November 23, personalised feedback on their entry and a selection of new-release Scribe books.
Closing Date: Sunday 10 September 2017.
Further information about the Scribe Nonfiction Prize, including submission criteria and online entry portal, can be found on the Express Media website.
14. West Australian Junior Journo Competition
(NB: Submissions for this competition have closed for 2017)
The Brief: Create one of the following:
- Keep Watch: Write a Q&A about a young person achieving at state or national level in sports or the arts.
- Spot on: Survey your friends and let us know what they think.
- The Buzz: What are kids up to these days? What are kids interested in?
- Make it: Write instructions for some cool craft ideas.
- The Word: Review a book that you think everyone should read.
- How? What? Who?: How does it work? or What is? or Who is? Choose a topic and share some interesting facts.
- Mind Games: Create three puzzles, including one crossword.
Open to: Western Australian students in years 3 to 6.
Cost: Free.
Prizes: Winners will receive a $100 cash prize following publication of the winners’ edition of ED! Magazine on October 24, 2017.
Closing date: Friday 8 September 2017.
More info about what is required and how to enter as well as terms and conditions of the competition can be found on The West Australian‘s website.
15. Outstanding LGBTIQ Short Story Competition
(NB: Submissions for this competition have closed for 2017)
The Brief: Write a short story of 750 words or less on the theme ‘It’s Complicated’. Stories should have relevance to the broader Australian or New Zealand LGBTIQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer) community.
Open to: Writers based in Australian and New Zealand.
Categories: For the first time there is an under 25 category (there is also an open category).
Cost: free.
Prizes: includes a youth prize of $500 for a writer aged 25 and under.
Closing date: Friday 1 September 2017.
More Info: head to the Outstanding website, where you can find competition rules and register to enter online.
16. KSP Short Fiction Awards
(NB: Submissions for this competition have closed for 2017)
The Brief: Write a short story on any theme up to 2000 words (youth category) or up to 2500 in the adult category.
Open to: Australian residents and citizens.
Categories: youth (10-18 years) and adult.
Cost: Youth (10 to 18 years) – free; adults – 1 story $10; 2 stories $15; 3 stories $20.
Prizes: First place certificates with $300 prize for open and $100 for youth; Second place certificates with $150 prize for open and $50 for youth; up to five commended certificates for both open and youth; Mundaring National Young Writers encouragement award for under 14s with $25 prize. All winning entries offered publication in Swan Magazine and select entrants invited to read their story at KSP’s End of Year Awards Ceremony.
Closing date: Friday 1 September 2017.
More info: go to the KSP Writers’ Centre Competitions Page to download an entry form.
17. 2017 Hilarie Lindsay Young Writers Short Story Competition for Australian School Children
(NB: Submissions for this competition have closed for 2017)
The Brief: Write a short story up to 1500 words for students in years 4, 5 & 6 or up to 2500 for students in years 7 to 12.
Open to: Australian school children.
Categories: section 1 – years 10, 11 & 12; section 2 – years 7, 8 & 9; section 3 – years 5 & 6; section 4 – year 4 and under;
Cost: $3 per entry.
Prizes: Section 1 – $175; section 2 – $125; section 3 – $100; section 4 – $50.
Closing date: 31 August 2017.
More info: Visit the Fellowship of Australian Writers (FAW) NSW for general information about this competition, as well as an entry form and conditions.
18. 2017 Trudy Graham-Julie Lewis Literary Award
(NB: Submissions for this competition have closed for 2017)
The Brief: The competition has an open theme and entrants may submit prose up to a maximum of 2000 words.
Open to: anyone residing in Australia.
Categories: open; novice; youth (12-17 years).
Cost: $7 per entry for youth entries. For adults, the cost $15 for one entry, $25 for two and $35 for three entries.
Prizes: 1st prize – $200; 2nd prize – $100; 3rd prize – $50; Novice Writer Award – $50; Judge’s Encouragement Award for Youth – $50.
Closing date: 11 August 2017.
More info: go to the Peter Cowan Writers Centre competitions page, where you’ll find links to an information flyer and an entry form.
19. 2017 Monash WordFest Short Story Competition
(NB: Submissions for this competition have closed for 2017)
The Brief: Write a short story. Word limit depends on age group: 12-14 years (500 words max); 15-17 years (1,000 words max); Adult (2,000 words max). Exceeding the word limit will result in disqualification.
Open to: Participants must reside, work or study in the City of Monash, or be a member of the Monash Public Library Service (MPLS).
Categories: A (12-14 years); B (15-17 years) and C (adult).
Closing Date: 5 August 2017.
More info: Conditions of Entry and Form available in as a downloadable PDF; entries must be submitted online unless otherwise arranged.
20. Make Your Own Storybook Competition (ACT)
(NB: Submissions for this competition have closed for 2017)
The Brief: Create a picture up to 500 words or story book up to 5000 words, that tells an ORIGINAL story using original text and original illustrations.
Open to: students in Year 1-6 from CBCA member schools in ACT only.
- Years 1-2 Picture Book
- Years 3-4 Picture Book
- Years 3-4 Story Book
- Years 5-6 Picture Book
- Years 5-6 Story Book
- Special Needs Junior (1-3)
- Special Needs Senior (4-6)
- Australian Nature Book
Prizes: One First Place and one Highly Commended prize will be awarded for each category. The Field Naturalists’ Association of Canberra will also award the Bettong Prize for the Best Australian Nature Book.
Closing Date: 28 July 2017.
More info: can be found on the MYOS website.
21. Ipswich Feast International Poetry Competition
(NB: Submissions for this competition have closed for 2017)
The Brief: Write a poem on a theme, form and length of your choice, although some constraints exist for the open categories.
Open to: anyone writing in English – although based in Australia, this is an international competition.
Categories: 5 to 7 years; 8 to 10 years; 11 to 13 years; 14 to 15 years; 16 to 17 years; Open Age – bush poetry; open age – other poetry; open age – local poets; open age – picture Ipswich theme.
Cost: free for young poets (5 to 17 years); $5 for open categories.
Prizes: For a detailed list of prizes in a range of categories, head to the Poetry Feast website.
Closing date: Friday 28 July 2017.
More info: about what’s required and how to enter, or to find out more about the 15th Annual Ipswich Poetry Feast, head to the Poetry Feast website.
22. Write Around the Murray Nano Story Competition 2017: Stories from the Shadows
(NB: Submissions for this competition have closed for 2017)
The Brief: Write a story in exactly 50 words, which includes the word shadow (or shadows, shadowing, shadowed or shadowy.
Open to: entrants who live within a 150 km radius of Albury, NSW.
Categories: years 3 to 4; years 5 to 6; years 7 to 8; open.
Cost: Free.
Prizes: First prize ( student categories) – $50 book voucher; first prize (open): $100 book voucher
highly commended (in each category) – $25 book voucher.
Closing date: Wednesday 26 July 2017.
More info: can be found on the Write Around the Murray website, where you will also be able to read conditions on entry and an online entry form.
23. KSP 2017 Ghost Story Competition
(NB: Submissions for this competition have closed for 2017)
The Brief: Write a maximum 500 words prose or 25 lines of poetry on the theme of ‘alone’ (in the youth category).
Open to: Western Australian residents.
Categories: Youth (8 to 18 years) and Adult.
Cost: Free.
Prizes: youth first prize (prose): $50 plus publication and complimentary copy of anthology at launch in December; youth second prize (prose) – box of chocolates; youth first prize (poetry) – $50 plus publication and complimentary copy of anthology at launch in December; youth second prize (poetry) – box of chocolates.
Closing date: Friday 14 July 2017.
More info: head to the KSP Writers’ Centre Competitions Page, where you’ll find submission requirements, an online entry form and winners from previous years.
24. The Good Oil Young Writers’ Award
(NB: Submissions for this competition have closed for 2017)
The Brief: submit a piece of writing between 750 and 1000 words, adopting one of the following writing styles – journalistic feature writing, opinion writing, creative writing, or first person reflective writing. Using one of these forms, explore the theme ‘Who is my neighbour?’
Open to: all secondary students and post-school young adults in Australia, Japan, the Philippines and Kirbati.
Categories: secondary students (years 7 to 9); secondary students (years 10 to 12); post school (18 to 35 years).
Cost: free.
Prizes: First prize $500; second prize $300 and third prize $200 in each of the three age groups.
Closing date: 11 July 2017.
More info: go to The Good Oil Young Writers Award webpage where you will find guidelines for entrants and an entry form.
Over to You
So, what have you been writing and where will you send it?
Let me know if you submit your work somewhere, if you have any questions about writing and creativity, or if there is any way I can support you in your writing journey.