Even before I attended a single session at this year’s Perth Writers Week, I had an ever increasing list of authors to hear and books to check out. I seriously would have needed a personal loan if I’d bought every book I thought worth reading. Although I’ve narrowed that list to 19 (and I limited […]
Welcome back to the bookish version of Six Degrees of Separation, hosted by Kate from booksaremyfavouriteandbest. Participants start with the same nominated book title, and link it to six others in any way the mind makes connections. Anyone can play, including you! This month, we’re starting with one of my all-time favourites, The Outsiders, by […]
Will you be commemorating Anzac Day on 25 April this year? I have written elsewhere about why I do choose to acknowledge Anzac Day, as well as the recognition that the occasion is problematic for some. In part, I said: ‘There has not always been room for those whose experience or understanding has deviated from the legend. Yet, […]
Here I sit, tucked away in my cabin in the hills. I’m looking out through the trees to the cityscape, listening to the birdsong, and ruminating over the weekend that was the 2016 Perth Writers Festival. I’ve attended the Perth Writers Festival for a number of years, but this was my first as a published […]