Welcome to Six Degrees of Separation, where we all start with the same book title and link it to six others in any random way our mind chooses to create connections. It’s fun and it’s free, so join in! This month the starting book is Beezus and Ramona, in honour of author Beverly Cleary, who died recently, […]
Last week I shared 9 of 18 books I aim to read in 2018. I bought most of those titles at the Perth Writers Week. Although a few of the following titles also caught my attention because of Perth Writers Week, most of them are simply an eclectic mix of books that appeal to me. […]
Perth Writers Week (previously Perth Writers Festival) always concludes with me failing in my resolve to limit how many books I’ll buy. This year, I gave in before I even arrived. Afterall, Perth Writers Week only happens once a year, and I am supporting Australian authors – or so goes my self-justification. Plenty of others […]
Welcome back to Six Degrees of Separation, a literary meme created by Annabel Smith and Emma Chapman in which we link a book to six others in any way that comes to mind. This month begins with The Casual Vacancy by J K Rowling. For me, this is about leaving a space for Indigenous authors to tell […]
In my previous post, Five Faves: Writers from the West, I shared the names of five books (and their writers) that I enjoyed this year. But there are so many more on my To Read list, and I seem to be adding titles faster than I can finish them. Here are just a few of those I hope […]